In the A.I. Gigapixel V1.1 update (released September 5, 2018), Our research scientist Dr. Acharjee has made substantial improvements on the deep learning models behind the scenes. Those enhancements are reflected as replacing the “Enhancement” checkbox with a multi-level “Reduce Noise and Blur” options.
The difference is very subtle for most photos, for which the default setting (“Moderate”) will work well. For the highest quality result, you may want to try different “Reduction Noise and Blur” settings.
In this release, we have included 3 sets of neural networks tailored for images of different quality. The option selects one of the neural networks:
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“None”: This neural network was trained with clean images. If your original photo is a well exposed RAW or is otherwise free of visible artifacts, this option will best preserve and create fine detail. Here is an example of what the input image (top-left corner, 96×96 cropped from a large input image) should look and the enhanced result. Notice the input impage is pretty much free from high iso or other noise.
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“Moderate”: This default option will suppress a moderate amount of image noise and JPEG compression artifacts and apply some sharpening. This setting is good for most consumer-level standard cameras and phone photos. In the example, you can see the noise in the input image, A.I. Gigapixel does a decent job resizing it to 400% while cleaning up the noise.
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“Strong”: This option is for noisy, highly compressed, or otherwise artifacted images. This neural network applies the heaviest level of sharpening and noise reduction. Unfortunately, if too much information is missing or obscured by noise, A.I. cannot synthesize details properly (as in the example), and sometimes produce strange structures on details like faces. Alas, A.I. is not quite that magical when it comes to recreating faces yet. Therefore, do not use this setting on clean photos, that don’t have much noise.
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Since Gigapixel will not overwrite the original images, you can experiment with each setting to your heart’s content.
On a separate note, observant users may have noticed that the new update is slower when the image scale is less than 220%. This is true. Dr. Acharjee has made substantial progress on the neural network archtecture for a considerable increase in image quality. According to feedback from the general community, speed takes a backseat to quality results. For scales greater than 220%, different optimizations were implemented that will not result in longer processing times.
Happy A.I. Gigapixeling!
Feng (Albert) Yang – CEO, Topaz Labs
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About Albert Yang
Albert Yang founded Topaz Labs over 10 years ago, to form a company that adopts and implements the latest technology to introduce cutting-edge tools to the Photo market. With over 30 years of programming experience, he’s proud to offer his technical expertise to our users as the primary developer of our latest tools.
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