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Basic Adjustment

Anything but Basic.

Get access to all the common tools you need to balance your exposure, correct color, and control image detail with a more impactful and intelligent result than options like Lightroom and Photoshop.

The Topaz Studio Basic Adjustment gives you complete, independent control of your color, exposure, and detail. Maintain image detail with every exposure or color adjustment from now on.

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Blurs Adjustment

Play on the Softer Side.

Reduce detail and smooth images with the Blurs Adjustment for Topaz Studio. Sometimes images are a bit too sharp in all the wrong places. Blurs helps to soften those sharp points in images. Smooth skin with the Diffusion Blur, or Feather images with the Gaussian Blur. Great for close portraits, and wide landscapes alike, Topaz Studio Blurs Adjustment empowers you to dramatically change the focus and depth of your composition, quickly and easily.

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Brightness Contrast Adjustment

Correct Dull and Flat Images Like Never Before.

This simple utility transforms lackluster images by adding full spectrums of brightness, contrast, and saturation to images. Use the Brightness Contrast Adjustment to correct image brightness and contrast and to add color to dull photographs. Edit images to be technically perfect, create whimsically inverted colors, or create anything in between. Quickly and easily change or correct any image with this basic utility. Learn how to manipulate the three sliders to create a variety of looks.

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