VIDEO: Creating in Topaz Studio with Rad Drew

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Topaz Labs is knocking it out of the park this summer with the introduction of two new and powerful tools: A.I. Clear and the stand-alone A.I. Gigapixel. In this webinar, Rad A. Drew will show how he integrates A.I. Clear into his workflow to eliminate noise, and also how A.I. Gigapixel enlarges images, such as smaller iPhone images, for high-quality prints in sizes never dreamed of for mobile phone images.

Rad will review Topaz Remask, the remarkable tool for removing and replacing image backgrounds, show how to import textures into Topaz Texture Effects, and demonstrate the use of A.I. Remix for creating wonderful graphic images. And, if time allows, he’ll include what has become a signature feature of his webinars: his workflow for processing infrared images to create rich black and white photos with a magical, mystical twist.

Rad is a teacher, tour leader, and award-winning photographer whose creative images have been recognized in juried international competitions and exhibited in galleries around the world. His photography workshops in the South of France, Cape Cod, Tuscany, Cuba, and other destinations throughout the USA are great ways to learn while photographing beautiful areas of the world.


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Topaz labs software have change the way I edit my photos. Support is also very good and the staff appears to have the knowledge to help.”
Johnnie Lamptey

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