Topaz Studio Walkthrough and Welcome

Join Heath Robinson as he takes you on a through walkthrough of the features within Topaz Studio.

Topaz Studio is a fast, flexible, powerful creative toolbox and it’s the next level image editor for photographers. Topaz Studio gives you lightning fast results with Topaz’s exclusive image processing technology, in an intuitive, affordable, easy to use application. It works as a standalone application, Plugin through Lightroom and Photoshop, and a host for your other Topaz Plugins in the plugins menu just like you do in Photoshop.

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30 thoughts on “Topaz Studio Walkthrough and Welcome

  1. I am having trouble logging in once I downloaded topaz studios…. I didn’t forget my password but when try to log on It says its invalid

    1. Hello Sylvia! Sorry you are having troubles. Please open a help ticket so that we can trouble shoot this for you:

  2. Not sure what is happening. i purchased the pro pack and as far as I was concerned it was installed in Studio. But noe when I try to use it its saying try pro or purchase .Can you tell me what is going wrong

    1. Hello William! Can you please try the Sync Adjustments option from the application menu:
      – From the application’s top menu, select Help → Sync Adjustments
      If you find that you still cannot access your purchases, please open a help ticket at

  3. I have Adjust, Detail, and Clarity plugins ( Photoshop, Lightroom ) on 2 computers. How many computers can you download Topaz Studio Pro Pack on ? If I download Topaz Studio , how do I access the plugins that I already have ?
    Thank you ,
    Warren Flemmer

    1. Hi Warren! You can download and use Topaz Studio on 2 machines, no problem! You will access your Topaz Plugins in the menu. JUst go to Menu, Plugins, and select the one you would like to use. Have a great day!

  4. How do I get rid of items that I don’t want in the image?

    1. Hi Kathleen! We are working on a healing tool to add to Topaz Studio! Please stay tuned for updates.

  5. So far this looks like a great product! But I am having problems with the size of the screen. Everything looks huge, and somewhat jammed together. For instance, the row across the top that has Save, Save As, etc, the “save as” & “Original” are on top of each other. And the vertical rows that show Tags, Feat, All, Mine, etc, only go as far as the “trending” icon, and the one on the right that shows Adjust, Crop, etc , Blurs is the last one I can see. When I hit the arrow to open up the Histogram, it moves these 2 vertical rows of icons over on top of the image I have open.

    1. It sounds like your scaling is set to a higher zoom than recommended. You should try using the recommended value (100%, 150%, etc. – it will tell you which one is recommended), restarting their computer, then launching Studio again.

      1. I just had the same problem. My desktop was set at 175 scaling and Studio menu icons were all jammed up and I couldn’t see what I saw on the tutorial videos. I played with scaling but couldn’t read a thing pn the computer at 100 scale, but I could at 125, but still was not comfortable. Playing some more, I have returned to 175 and find that when I collapse the right side bar in Studio, the jamming up ceased (more space was opened up). I can live with that, I can see to read the screen now, and my computer is now comfortable too. I hope you have the same results and can enjoy learning Studio. I think the playing around with scaling and apps and text magnification inside apps was all I needed to see what was happening and understand more.

        1. PS: When Studio opens, I still need to drag the window around and click that middle button on the top right corner of the window (not the maximize/minimize buttons but the one in the middle) so that Topaz Studio fits the screen properly, but that is a small price to pay.

  6. I downloaded the free Topaz Studio. It does not allow me to save, save as or exit the application. Is that because it is the fee version? Please advise.

    1. Hello Maurice! I am sorry this is happening. Can you please open a support ticket so that we may investigate this for you?

  7. how do you remove spots (dust, etc) on an image. When I search for spot removal or dust removal in the program or in the studio site the search returns nothing.

    1. Hello Jack! We are currently implementing this tool! Please look for it and a tutorial in the near future.

  8. Can I resize files in studio? If so, how?

    1. Hi Paula! You can crop and rotate images right now in Topaz Studio. Thank you for the idea and feedback for resizing as well. I have shared this idea with our developers. Your feedback is appreciated!

    2. Just added the Resize ability in Topaz Studio 1.0.8, To update go to Help > Check for updates. Once updated, you can adjust your image size in the Image menu in the Top Menubar

  9. I have just deleted your product. I could not install as a plug-in on Photoshop.

    1. Hi Charles! We can help you get Topaz Studio setup as a plugin in Photoshop! Please submit a support ticket and we can assist you personally.

  10. I own a bunch of Topaz plugins. Studio doesn’t seem to recognize them (they are grayed out on the Studio menu). Do they not work with Studio? Also, what is the future of FX?

    1. Hello,
      All the plugins excluding ReMask are compatible with Topaz Studio, if you’re not seeing them in the application or they are greyed out. make sure you have an image open. if they’re still not working please make sure you have the latest version by installing the latest version of the plugins from here: PhotoFXlab is still available as an editor if you prefer that workflow method.

  11. Are the Topaz filters compatible with Photoshop Elements?

    1. Topaz Studio is compatible with the following programs: Photoshop CS4+, Photoshop CC, Photoshop Elements 12+, Paintshop Pro X 6+, Serif PhotoPlus X5+, Lightroom 4+, Lightroom CC, and photoFXlab.

  12. If I already own all of the Topaz Plug Ins is it necessary to purchase the Studio Pro Pak? If so, what does Pro Pak provide that I don’t already have with the Topaz Plug Ins?

    1. Thank you for your interest in Topaz Studio! It is not a replacement for the Collection, it’s a completely different product that works to host those plugins as well as it’s own custom Adjustments. When you purchase the Collection it includes free upgrades to the products that are available at the time of purchase, so if you bought when we had ReMask 4 you would get an upgrade to ReMask 5 at no charge. The upgrades do not include new releases after your purchase.

      If you’d like to know more about Topaz Studio and what it offers I’d recommend looking over the site here:

      It has a ton of new features and new technology that can vastly speed up your workflow and many of the tools within Studio are available for free, including hosting your Topaz plugins. You can learn more here:

  13. I downloaded last version of topaz studio and i think that’s much more then an update. It’s simply Amazing, with an easyer interface and great instruments placed right where you think they should be. I use phase one capture one as raw developer and topaz labs to refine pictures. they work in perfect way together. topaz labs save the file directly in cop1 library, so simply and fast that is a pleasure to work with. I wont to clap topaz studio for the attemption to customer’s needs and the continous development of new solutions that make my work easy and gratifying.
    I would like to see in the future a coloured mask overlay directly on the images and the possibility to adjust brush size scrolling the weel of the mouse…go on in this way, i’m waiting for other new solutions

  14. I’ve been using Topaz plugins for years, but just installed Topaz Studio. It looks really great, I’ve been playing around with the preset adjustment styles, and they’re terrific, but… the File, Edit, View, Image, and Tools menus are all grayed out, whether or not I have an image loaded. Any idea what gives?

    1. Peter,
      Sometimes this happens when you first launch Studio, we’re working on a solution to this issue. Just close studio and open again and you should be good to go.

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Topaz labs software have change the way I edit my photos. Support is also very good and the staff appears to have the knowledge to help.”
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