The Ultimate Workflow for Topaz Labs AI Software

We offer a full suite of advanced photo editing tools here at Topaz Labs.  Here’s the ultimate workflow to best utilize Topaz software and get the most out of your photography.

Step 1: JPEG to RAW AI

The first step in your photo editing workflow would be to run JPEG to RAW AI, if needed. Use machine learning to convert JPEG to high-quality RAW for better editing. Prevent banding, remove compression artifacts, recover detail, and enhance dynamic range.

Step 2: DeNoise AI

Next, you would run your image through DeNoise AI for superior noise reduction without loss of detail. Eliminate noise and recover crisp detail in your images with the first AI-powered noise reduction tool.

Step 3: Sharpen AI

Next, you can run your image through Sharpen AI. Create tack-sharp images even when you’re shooting handheld, at night, or with a shallow depth of field.

Step 4: Mask AI

Working on a composite image? Your next step would be to launch Mask AI. Mask AI allows you to create tricky masks in record time thanks to our intuitive machine learning technology and trimap technique.

Step 5: Adjust AI

Next, you would run your image through Adjust AI. Our AI-powered modes bring out colors, shadows, details, and more to make your photos as vivid as intended, all in one step.

Step 6: Topaz Studio 2

Time to get creative! Edit your images beautifully with powerful filters and frictionless masking in a fine-tuned non-destructive layer workflow.

Step 7: Gigapixel AI

Here’s your final step! Upscale your photo by up to 600% while perfectly preserving image quality.

12 thoughts on “The Ultimate Workflow for Topaz Labs AI Software

  1. Your products are amazing. I had to use a 2″x3″@300dpi poor jpg for a calendar that need a 13″x18″ image. Using your filters I got it to look good and Gigapixel increased the size. Gigapixel AI is an amazing product.
    Also, I do digital 3D art and use your products to make the images look even better and I can work at half size, which speeds up renderings, and use Gigapixel to make the image full size.

  2. I bought the all bundle for BF.
    I was just going to send you this question on the recommended workflow with the AI modules !
    You answer before I ask you !
    Alain (France)

  3. It took me 5 years to find a software tool to correct a poor photography job done on my son’s wedding. You have a great tool. I’ll buy more. Thanks

  4. Thanks! Nice to see these suggestions.

  5. Thanks. I have been trying different workflows, but this helps getting it right with the least fuss.

  6. Your process has no flow for me as a traditional Topaz user from day 1, its time consuming and inconvenient
    This is how I would like to work :

    Step 1 Open Studio
    I would like to be able to then select any/all my plugins inside one group from within Studio ( even if it then temporarily open say Gigagpixel separately and then brings result back to studio
    ( just as Photoshop does with its plugins)
    Remove all plugins from Filters to separate group and make all available from within Studio

  7. Hi love this idea, but when are you going to bring in the healing brush tool in Studio 2

    1. Hi Carol, the healing brush is coming with our next update! 🙂

  8. Very helpful to know the correct order of things…thanks.

  9. To everyone at Topaz Labs, I commend you on your outstanding products and excellent back-up service. Your AI generation of programs is second to none. I take Archival photographs for a Museum and the AI programs have lifted my game considerably. I have been a very avid user of your products now for over eight years and have become even more reliant on your products to the almost absolute discarding of all other brands of post processing software. I thank you most sincerely for your programs, your helpful back-up and for putting the photographer first.

    Barry Champion (Tasmania).

    1. Barry that is wonderful to hear, thank you for your kind words! We’re working hard every day to make our software even better. 🙂 Appreciate your loyalty! 🙂

  10. I believe if you are working with Raw than you skip Step 1.

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