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Studio 2 Help

During the Topaz Studio pre-release, some users may have seen another user’s name, address, phone number, and/or email address auto-filled when purchasing Topaz Studio. This affected a portion of our users, but not all. If you experienced this, please read on for more information.

Users Guide

Studio 2 Help

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The Product Tour is the helpful guide that pops up the first time you open up Topaz Studio 2. You can either opt to leave the Product Tour on by leaving the option “Show on startup” toggled to “Yes.” If you toggle to “No,” the Product Tour will no longer appear when you open up Topaz Studio 2. If you do this, but want to access the Product Tour again, click the “Help” tab in your menu, then select “Product Tour.” 

In order to give you the best possible version of Topaz Studio 2, we are constantly updating our product with improvements, new features, bug fixes, and more. Each time we do an update, we provide our users with a list of changes so that you can be up-to-date on what’s happening with Topaz Studio 2. To find the most recent Studio 2 changelog, click the link below:

Studio 2 Changelog

To officially own Topaz Studio 2 without any trial restrictions, you simply need to purchase it from the Topaz Labs Web Store and the next time you launch Topaz Studio 2 you will have ownership. If you are having issues and Topaz Studio 2 still doesn’t recognize your ownership, you can also select “update product ownership” from the “Help” drop down menu as well. 

When you launch Topaz Studio 2, it should automatically tell you if there is an update to your product. If this doesn’t happen or you want to manually check for updates yourself, click on the “Help” dropdown menu, then click “Check for Software Updates.”

Topaz Studio 2 is an intuitive image effect toolbox built with Topaz Labs’ powerful photo enhancement technology. It can apply a wide range of effects to your images, and provides a great degree of freedom in creating new looks for all your images using a layer-based system.

Studio 2 is an overhaul of the previous Topaz Studio app, which we’re calling Topaz Studio Classic. The key differences are as follows:

  • Pricing change. Instead of paying for each add-on you want to use, Topaz Studio 2 will now be available for a single flat fee of $99.99 that includes all adjustments by default. There will be no free version, except for a 30 day trial.
  • Full non-destructive layer support. Topaz Studio 2 now has a layer-based system – and everything you do is non-destructive. Looks (formerly known as presets) go on their own layers so you can now mix, match, and stack them. 
  • Major UI refresh. Topaz Studio 2 received a major user interface change focused around layers. You can easily drag and drop to rearrange layers, access layer masks, and control blending/opacity. This lends itself to vastly improved usability and workflow.

Our upgrade path for Studio 2 is as follows:

  • If you own Studio adjustments with total list price >$99.99, you’ll receive Studio 2 for free.
  • If you own Studio adjustments with total list price <$99.99, you’ll receive store credit for the adjustments you do own.

You can find out your upgrade eligibility through this link!

The release version of Topaz Studio 2 will not support plug-ins. However, plug-in support will be one of the first features added in the first major patch coming to Studio 2.

You can! Simply head to the Help menu at the top of the app and click Migrate Custom TS1 Presets. Your presets will automatically transfer over to Studio 2 and will populate in your Looks!

Topaz Studio 2 is considered a brand new app, so you can have it installed alongside the original Topaz Studio, which will still be available for download and use even after Topaz Studio 2 has launched.

Yes! Topaz Studio 2 will be available as a plug-in for the wide majority of host editors.


For optimal results, we recommend the following:

  • Import your image to your computer, then run it through JPEG to RAW AI (Optional)
  • Pass the image through DeNoise AI to remove noise and ensure the cleanest possible image to work with.
  • Make all your adjustments with Topaz Studio 2.
  • Scale up the final image using Gigapixel AI (Optional)

To officially own Topaz Studio 2 without any trial restrictions, you simply need to purchase it from the Topaz Labs Web Store and the next time you launch Topaz Studio 2 you will have ownership. You can also select “update product ownership” from the help drop down menu as well. 

We’ll be posting various tutorials on the Topaz Labs blog, and we’ll also be uploading video tutorials to our Youtube page as well!

You can find our road map for features and changes to Studio 2 in the article below:
Studio 2 Road Map

You can also keep an eye on our Changelogs when updates release for more information.

The Look Collection from Hazel Meredith is automatically included in your Looks panel when you download Topaz Studio 2 during the introductory promotional period that ends on August 9th. You will find her Looks in several categories and are denoted with “MI” at the beginning of the Look name for Meredith Images. This Look Collection is only available if you purchase Studio 2 during the promotional period and will not be offered again once the sale is over.

While we did try to bring over as many of the popular presets into Studio 2 from Studio Classic, there are a few that haven’t made the cut. Not to worry! You can still use our layered adjustment system to recreate the old presets you’re missing and then save them as custom looks, giving you ready access to them anytime.

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Topaz Studio 2

Topaz Studio 2

Topaz Studio 2 features intuitive and easy-to-use masking tools! Choose from five types of masking or combine masking options for perfectly masked adjustments. Here is a quick run-through of the masking tools in Topaz Studio 2.

Masking allows you to selectively make adjustments on your image. Let’s say you want to bring out the details in your granddaughter’s hair, but don’t necessarily want to bring out all the details of her skin, like her pores. Masking is great for that. Masking allows you to enhance part of the image, without being forced to make that same edit to the overall image. You also have the choice of varying mask densities. A black (0.00) density mask will completely remove the effect, while a white (1.00) density mask will allow an effect to completely remain. You can tune the range in between those values to achieve your desired effect.

The Topaz Studio Integrated Masking is unlike anything you have seen before. We have included 5 masking types: Brush, Spot, Gradient, Color, and Luminosity, as well as a Mask Adjustments panel and an option to invert or completely reset your mask. Our brush masking includes intuitive, content-aware technology that was developed in house. Not only are the new masking features awe-inspiring, but you can combine masking types. After making adjustments with one type of mask, click apply or switch to another mask type and build upon that mask. It’s never been so easy!

In Topaz Studio, we wanted to give you full control, so we have included both Look Masking and Filter Level Masking. Each has the exact same functions, but Look Masking will effect the entire set of filters, or “Look” that have been applied to your image. Filter Level Masking will only effect that Filter that you use the mask on.

To edit your Look Mask, apply a look and then simply click mask icon next to the name of your look. To edit your filter mask, select the masking icon next to the Filter you wish to edit.

Brush Masking works great to apply effects exactly where you need them to be placed. You can paint in or paint out just one adjustment or entire effects with the global masking. In the Brush Mask Panel, you will find many easy to use controls. The Mask Density slider controls the opacity of your brush from 0.00 to 1.00. The Radius Slider controls the overall size, while the Softness Slider controls edge softness. The Edge Aware toggle allows you turn on or off our unique Edge Aware technology. 

Our unique edge aware technology allows you to effortlessly perfect masks. Simply keep the edge that you wish to be detected between the red inner circle and the green outer circle. Our technology will automatically detect the edge. It’s that easy.

The Spot Mask tool allows you to add eclipse shaped masks to your image. Easily adjust the size and shape of your Spot Mask with the on screen manipulation tools. The Spot Mask Adjustment Panel allows you to adjust the Mask Density, Transition, and Color Aware with easy-to-use sliders. If you wish to add more than one Spot Mask to your image, simply click done and then click the spot mask again to add a second mask.

The Gradient Mask allows you to create natural transitions. To add a Gradient Mask, simply click the gradient icon. When the gradient mask is added you will see three lines – a red, white, and green. Anything above the red line will be completely removed and anything below the green line will completely remain. You can manipulate the gradient on screen by grabbing the handles. The white handle will move the entire gradient, while moving the green or red handle can create longer and shorter transitions. You also have the power to manipulate it to have it going any direction you wish, such as mirrored or vertical. You can increase the Content Aware Slider or add more than one Gradient Mask to create interesting effects.

The Color Mask allows you to create masks based upon colors found in your image. You can select a color by moving the Hue Slider. Whatever hue you select, will be masked out. The Range Slider allows you to capture a larger range or smaller range of colors. If you wish to have a more natural selection, use a larger range, but if you wish for a more precise selection, use a smaller range. If you wish for the hue you selected to remain, simply invert the mask once you are satisfied with your edits.

Luminosity Masking allows you to make masking selections based upon the brightness of you image. You can select the brightness you would wish to be masked using the Luminosity Slider. The range slider allows you to adjust if you would like smoother or more precise selection.

The Adjustment Panel is where you can modify the mask you just created. You can change the feathering to be a smoother transition, as well as the contrast and density to create more drastic or less drastic masking transitions. These are all dependent on the look you wish to achieve. When you are satisfied with your adjustments to your mask, all you have to do is click Apply to burn your mask in.

Invert, Clear, and Delete. You have the ability to completely invert, clear, and delete your mask all from the Masking Panel. These options are easily accessed by clicking the three dots in the lower right-hand corner of your mask preview screen. Inverting a mask can be great for creating unique effects or in the various ways stated earlier in section 2 & 4. If you’re not happy with your mask, you can always clear it and start fresh. If you’d like to get rid of it entirely, simply delete the mask from your filter or look.

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Studio 2 Navigation

Studio 2 Navigation

The Navigation Menus on the bottom and top of the preview screen in Studio 2 are designed to help our users easily edit their images.

The Top Navigation Bar in Topaz Studio 2 allow you the functionality to view your image the way you want to, as well as Undo and Redo. 

Open Icon: Click this icon to open a new image in Topaz Studio 2.

Export Icon: Click this icon to export your image to your computer.

View Button: The view button gives you five options for viewing your image: Single View (the entire edited image), Split Horizontal and Vertical (See half of our image edited and half unedited) and Side-by-Side Horizontal and Side-by-Side Vertical (see the same image on both halves of the screen – one edited, one original). 

Original Icon: Click on the Original Icon to see what your image looked like before you edited it. Click this icon again to view your edits once more.

Fit Icon: If you have zoomed in or out of your image, click this icon to return your preview image to full screen.

100% Option: Click the 100% option to see your image at it’s original size. 

Zoom Slider: Use this slider to zoom in and out on your image. Click and drag your image to choose which part of the image you are seeing.

Undo and Redo: Click the undo and redo buttons to undo or redo changes you make to your image.

The bottom navigation bar gives you three important tools to help you edit your image.

Crop Tool: Select the crop tool to crop or straighten your image. Your cropping options will appear on the right side of our screen: Aspect Ratio, Straighten, and the ability to adjust your image by width and height. Use the check mark button to apply the changes.

Navigator: If you are zoomed in to your image, use the Navigator to see where on your image your preview screen is currently located. 

Histogram: Use the histogram to see a frequency distribution by means of rectangles whose widths represent class intervals and whose areas are proportional to the corresponding frequencies: the height of each is the average frequency density for the interval.

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